Synergy – family aircraft of the future

Nowadays there is a whole class of cars called "family" and is intended for trips of a large number of people and their belongings. But in the future, perhaps similar to destination vehicles will be planes such as developed by John McGinnis (John McGinnis) machine Synergy.

A large number of companies and enthusiasts around the world are working to create small, affordable aircraft, which in the future would be affordable to the middle class as now they are available for personal cars. Among these initiatives we can highlight the development of the company Terrafugia and concept family aircraft Synergy from John McGinnis.

Synergy is a small aircraft for up to six passengers and their belongings, which in a few years could perform the same role, which now took a minivan to transport the family during travel. Though not at close range, and distant.

Compact Synergy aircraft will be made of light composite materials. And compact built-in motor allows it to fly with a maximum speed of 65 kilometers per hour on distance to 800 kilometers. In this case, the aircraft will be able to compete with cars.
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