Five iconic Chicago skyscrapers
Graphic designer Al Boardman of the UK living and working in Chicago, wanted to pay tribute to its incredible architecture and display 5 famous skyscrapers of the American metropolis in his unusual project Chicago – Five Great Buildings.
"Chicago has many truly breathtaking buildings. This town took its rightful place on the map of world architecture and is the birthplace of skyscrapers," says the author.
Animation start two projects of the American firm Skidmore Owings & Merrill. Is a 442-metre skyscraper is Willis Tower, which is known as the Sears Tower and until recently the highest building in the United States — 344-metre John Napsack Оbservatory. Also shown is a tower in the shape of a diamond Shap Communications Building, "corn cob" Marina City tоwers and the tower of Donald trump. //player.vimeo.com/video/66576980?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=cc6f1a
Source: /users/413
"Chicago has many truly breathtaking buildings. This town took its rightful place on the map of world architecture and is the birthplace of skyscrapers," says the author.
Animation start two projects of the American firm Skidmore Owings & Merrill. Is a 442-metre skyscraper is Willis Tower, which is known as the Sears Tower and until recently the highest building in the United States — 344-metre John Napsack Оbservatory. Also shown is a tower in the shape of a diamond Shap Communications Building, "corn cob" Marina City tоwers and the tower of Donald trump. //player.vimeo.com/video/66576980?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=cc6f1a
Source: /users/413
Mongolian nomads moving to alternative energy
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