Scientists watching movies at home makes you want to drink
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Home movies triggers in people the desire to drink alcohol. This conclusion was recently made by scientists from the United States of America, decided to hold a small, but quite detailed experiment of this vector. The participants in the experiments were determined by the audience of 160 people, most of which consisted of men, the smaller, which is logical, of women aged from eighteen to thirty-five years.
Voluntary respondents participating in the experiment, were engaged in home viewing of various films, somehow parrying the man's attitude to alcohol. In some films the respondents saw the love for alcohol, the rest on the contrary has provoked the people's rejection of the use of intoxicating drink.
As it turned out, men are not indifferent to the display characters and images which they embody, while their desire to drink alcohol is the norm. Representatives of the fair sex on the contrary also strongly drawn to the use of intoxicating drinks, if while watching the movie this product was advertised with a positive context.
Smoking negatively affects the brain Researchers working in the state of California Institute completed an experiment on the impact of nicotine on the brain. Experts were able to prove that the pernicious habit of Smoking is having adverse effects on the pulmonary system and the brain. Scientists have found that nicotine is akin to alcohol affects the mechanism of perception and neurons, initiating the process of coordination disorder
Love hormone cure addictions
Australian scientists of the University of Sydney offers a completely new method of treatment for drug and alcohol addiction, claiming that they have achieved optimistic results. Experts have used oxytocin in the fight against the disease. Have they completed the experimental trials, the drug based on the hormone of love. In many conducted tests, scientists found that the human brain is in a state of narcotic and alcohol addiction suffers from a lack of oxytocin, the protein name is also "love hormone".
Sweet tooth is more susceptible to alcoholism
A group of researchers from Indiana University claims that the human relationship to sweets demonstrates his addiction to alcoholism. The study involved the participation of 16 volunteers who were asked to drink first, and then sweetened the water. After that, scientists using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) found that the response to the use of sweet water occurred in the area of the brain responsible for addiction to alcohol – in the left hemisphere of the brain.
Source: globalscience.ru