Amazing oasis of Farafra in Egypt
If You are planning a trip to Egypt soon, and I haven't decided yet where to spend the night and what places to visit — note the wonderful city of Farafra, located in the vicinity of the White Desert of Egypt. The city itself gives the impression of its beautiful simplicity, traditional Egyptian architecture, and of course, location.
As mentioned above, the city is located near the national Park of Egypt called the White Desert, one of the main attractions in the area, along with Lake El mufid and hot springs at bir Sitta. Open 45 kilometers North of the city, the White Desert is famous for its huge formations of chalk, created by sand storms that often rage in the region. Nature painted all around impressive colors, from white to cream and brown shades.
Another major attraction of the Egypt — Oasis Farafra, with the famous Roman spring ain Bishay. The oasis is surrounded by beautiful palm trees here grow apricots, olives, carob trees and many citrus fruits. Behind all this watching and caring for a few families living in the area. Within oasis, there are hundreds of natural wells. Here thousands of tourists come to relax in the shade of palm trees and swim in the clear cool water.
The entire population of the oasis of Farafra has approximately 5 000 people who live mainly by farming and tourists.
Source: lifeglobe.net/
As mentioned above, the city is located near the national Park of Egypt called the White Desert, one of the main attractions in the area, along with Lake El mufid and hot springs at bir Sitta. Open 45 kilometers North of the city, the White Desert is famous for its huge formations of chalk, created by sand storms that often rage in the region. Nature painted all around impressive colors, from white to cream and brown shades.

Another major attraction of the Egypt — Oasis Farafra, with the famous Roman spring ain Bishay. The oasis is surrounded by beautiful palm trees here grow apricots, olives, carob trees and many citrus fruits. Behind all this watching and caring for a few families living in the area. Within oasis, there are hundreds of natural wells. Here thousands of tourists come to relax in the shade of palm trees and swim in the clear cool water.
The entire population of the oasis of Farafra has approximately 5 000 people who live mainly by farming and tourists.

Source: lifeglobe.net/