Scientists believe that life on Mars was

According to scientists, the presence of giant volcanoes is evidence that life existed on the red planet, many millions of years ago.

Geological landforms discovered on Arsia Mons, one of Mars’ tallest volcanoes, suggest that lakes may have existed on the planet 210 million years ago. Researchers believe the lakes may have been home to bacteria and other single-celled organisms that evolved at the same time dinosaurs began appearing on Earth.
Cat Scanlon of Brown University calculated that Arsia Mons could produce hundreds of cubic miles of meltwater from vast numbers of people. Where there is water, there is a high probability of life. Scientists have speculated since 1970 that there were large deposits of glacial ice on the northwestern side of Arsia Mons.

Scanlon found evidence that hot volcanic lava was flowing in the region when the glacier was present. NASA data show lava formations similar to those formed on Earth. Two lava flows would create lakes of 40 cubic kilometers each. That is, even in the cold conditions of the Martian climate, the planet would have liquid reserves for a long time. According to Scanlon’s calculations, the lakes could have survived for hundreds or even thousands of years. This is enough to colonize water bodies with microbial life forms.
