Scientists have recreated the explosion of a supernova in the lab

The team at Oxford University using powerful laser recreated in the laboratory, the explosion of a supernova.
Scientists have heated a thin carbon rod to a million degrees, the laser beams 60,000 billion times more than a laser pointer. The researchers believe that the experiment will be used to study supernova explosions in the laboratory. Hot rod exploded in the surrounding gas, which shows the interaction between the star and the interstellar medium. The primary researchers, the results show that supernovas do not expand uniformly as once thought.
Ian Meineke, graduate student, University of Oxford, said: "Our team focused three laser beams on the core of carbon with a thickness of no more than a strand of hair in the chamber filled with gas of low density". A huge amount of heat generated by the laser more than a few million degrees Celsius, caused the rod to explode. Professor Gianluca Gregori explains: "It may seem surprising that a laboratory experiment, in an average room, can be used to study astrophysical objects that are located at a distance of millions of light years. In fact, the laws of physics are the same everywhere, and physical processes can be scaled from one to the other just like waves in a bucket are comparable to waves in the ocean."
Source: nauka24news.ru/