NASA creates a spaceship to fly to alpha Centauri +video
A project called "Speed" not just ambitious, but fantastic. Engaged in its implementation, a group of NASA researchers, led by physicist Harold white. The aim of the project is to create a new engine, with which the spacecraft can move with superluminal speed. With this engine to the nearest star — alpha Centauri (4.3 light years) can be reached in just over 2 weeks.
The draft is based on the concept of deformation spaces arising from the equations of physics Miguel Alcubierre. It involves the establishment of a mechanism that can "warp" space. It will be the engine of curvaturewhich will expand the space behind a space ship, and the front jamming. Thus, around the ship formed a spatio-temporal "bubble Alcubierre", within which he can move with superluminal speed.
The engine will have a spherical shape. Impact on the space-time will be implemented with the help of powerful electrostatic fields. Currently, the degree of its deformation during the experiments is measured with a laser interferometer.
The nearest task is to create a microscopic bubble in the laboratory. In the future, as a source of energy for the manipulation of the space scientists propose to use the dark energy of the Universe. According to Harold white, the ship of the future will resemble the ball for the game of American football, belted Thor.
Source: techcult.ru
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