In the Mexican state of Puebla fell record volumes of hail
The Mexican city of Puebla in a few hours was littered with an impressive layer of hail and began to look more like a winter kingdom than a southern settlement. Streets and courtyards inside the city were littered with ice crumb, traffic completely stopped, since the height of the hail layer reached the wheels of cars.
Due to the fact that the hail will take some time to thaw, the city administration asks residents to abandon car trips until the situation stabilizes. This is especially true for the northern and eastern quarters of Puebla, as well as some central quarters.
Of course, for Puebla, located at an altitude of more than 2100 m above sea level, hail in the summer is not uncommon. However, such porridge on the streets of hail and water, a height of more than 60 cm, looks very unusual. The fact that even in July, a large and long hailstorm is possible here is also influenced by the geological location in the so-called mini-hail alley, stretching from Mexico City and further to the northwest. Even this year, hail has already fallen in the alley, worthy of media attention; we are talking about a thunderstorm on Easter Day, when traffic was blocked for more than 12 hours due to a hail in western Mexico City.
Source: ecowars.tv/
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