Genetic glitch the culprit night of gluttony
Doctors say that many people suffer from the syndrome night hunger. In this group of people, the feeling of hunger wakes up only at night. Many of these people say they do not go to sleep until then, if you don't eat at least something or if capital will not satisfy your hunger.
Experts say that the reason for this is a genetic glitch, but it is not known how a similar process occurs in the human body. Many people in the world, this syndrome becomes a serious negative character, which, instead of sleeping they make at night a real treat, which in turn is fraught with rapid weight gain. This problem, according to preliminary estimates of experts, there are at least two percent of people around the world. According to the researchers, genes, diet and sleep are closely related. Therefore, in case of failure of one gene is not rare and the whole body suffers as a whole.
A recent study showed that people who suffer from this syndrome, it is clearly observed gene mutations, which to some extent are responsible for the human biological clock.
Currently, researchers are trying to identify a method of bringing these genes in a stable condition.
But doctors said about another frequent cause of overeating, it is nervous stress. Often, many people are trying to calm down solely and began to eat something delicious and harmful. In the same way people often struggle with boredom.
Actually there are many reasons for overeating, but it is actually not so scary if it occurs in rare cases, several times a year during the holidays. However, unfortunately, many people, overeating becomes the norm.
Source: globalscience.ru

Experts say that the reason for this is a genetic glitch, but it is not known how a similar process occurs in the human body. Many people in the world, this syndrome becomes a serious negative character, which, instead of sleeping they make at night a real treat, which in turn is fraught with rapid weight gain. This problem, according to preliminary estimates of experts, there are at least two percent of people around the world. According to the researchers, genes, diet and sleep are closely related. Therefore, in case of failure of one gene is not rare and the whole body suffers as a whole.
A recent study showed that people who suffer from this syndrome, it is clearly observed gene mutations, which to some extent are responsible for the human biological clock.
Currently, researchers are trying to identify a method of bringing these genes in a stable condition.
But doctors said about another frequent cause of overeating, it is nervous stress. Often, many people are trying to calm down solely and began to eat something delicious and harmful. In the same way people often struggle with boredom.
Actually there are many reasons for overeating, but it is actually not so scary if it occurs in rare cases, several times a year during the holidays. However, unfortunately, many people, overeating becomes the norm.
Source: globalscience.ru
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