From fur of the sloth can be created to replace antibiotics

As bacteria become increasingly resistant to antibiotics — largely due to overuse them on factory farms, people are constantly trying to find another method of fighting diseases that threaten the mankind.

After centuries of development of medicine, now the common man believes is already taken for granted that it is possible to cure a small infection rate of drugs. However, without antibiotics, such an infection could face big trouble. So scientists are looking for innovative sources of disease, and may have found a cure in the fur of one of the strange creatures that live in the jungle, the sloth.
Researchers have long been looking for in the Panamanian jungle, among the multiple violences of life — from tiny microbes to clumsy bears, new drugs and therapies. After scientists examined the fur of the most phlegmatic animal in the jungle sloth, they found that the fungus that is frequently found in it, can really fight the parasites that cause some types of cancer, malaria and a number of pathogenic diseases.

The jungles of Panama — the source of new drugs
After germination of the fungus in the laboratory, the scientists were able to identify 84 different fungal isolates. Most of them were open before, but was now discovered completely new for science specie of fungus. Making extracts from this fungi, researchers found that it effectively resists the parasites that cause malaria in humans, and inhibits the Trypanosoma, which causes Chagas disease, and strain MCF-7, which causes breast cancer. As stated by scientists, this is very impressive for an animal that has hitherto been known, except that his slowness. Further studies would be undertaken to establish the reliability of such treatment.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ecobyt.ru/