The item-based Pacific fleet is a new threat to the world heritage
On Wrangel island started creating a base for the Pacific fleet of the Navy. It is illegal: in a unique nature reserve, where polar bears raise their young, prohibited any construction.
According to the public cadastral map of the entire island, except for land weather stations with an area of ten hectares is the territory of the reserve. It is the only Russian world heritage site by UNESCO in the Arctic.
As to place point-based TOF ten hectares is unlikely even in the age of nanotechnology, the conclusion is obvious: creating a base for the Pacific fleet are on the territory of the reserve.
Wrangel island is a unique unspoiled area is extremely vulnerable Arctic nature is"the maternity home of polar bears." Recently, however, unique natural complexes of the reserve are under threat: "Rosneft" together with the American company Exxon Mobile declared their intention to extract oil there. Now the construction of point-based fleet has another threat to the reserve.
"Such actions directly violate not only Russian laws, but international obligations of Russia under the Convention concerning the protection of world cultural and natural heritage" — said the head of the program on especially protected natural areas Mikhail Kreindlin.
Greenpeace sent a query about the situation from creating a base for the Pacific fleet on the island, the Ministry of environment and the Ministry of defence and will continue to fight against the destruction of world heritage sites in Russia.
Unfortunately, the actions of the Russian authorities with a high probability will lead to the fact that "Natural complex reserve "Wrangel Island" will join the sad list of candidates for the list "World heritage under threat". By the way, today it became known that the Ministry of environment proposes to declare 2016 as the year of especially protected natural territories. I wonder, will live there until this year, the unique nature of the island?
Source: www.greenpeace.org

According to the public cadastral map of the entire island, except for land weather stations with an area of ten hectares is the territory of the reserve. It is the only Russian world heritage site by UNESCO in the Arctic.
As to place point-based TOF ten hectares is unlikely even in the age of nanotechnology, the conclusion is obvious: creating a base for the Pacific fleet are on the territory of the reserve.
Wrangel island is a unique unspoiled area is extremely vulnerable Arctic nature is"the maternity home of polar bears." Recently, however, unique natural complexes of the reserve are under threat: "Rosneft" together with the American company Exxon Mobile declared their intention to extract oil there. Now the construction of point-based fleet has another threat to the reserve.
"Such actions directly violate not only Russian laws, but international obligations of Russia under the Convention concerning the protection of world cultural and natural heritage" — said the head of the program on especially protected natural areas Mikhail Kreindlin.
Greenpeace sent a query about the situation from creating a base for the Pacific fleet on the island, the Ministry of environment and the Ministry of defence and will continue to fight against the destruction of world heritage sites in Russia.
Unfortunately, the actions of the Russian authorities with a high probability will lead to the fact that "Natural complex reserve "Wrangel Island" will join the sad list of candidates for the list "World heritage under threat". By the way, today it became known that the Ministry of environment proposes to declare 2016 as the year of especially protected natural territories. I wonder, will live there until this year, the unique nature of the island?
Source: www.greenpeace.org