Peony tree —planting and care

Tree peony planting and care of which is made according to the rules, will be grown on the same place for decades, without losing the decoration! Unlike herbaceous, tree peony shoots do not need to cut for the winter, so that in the future you can grow a six-foot charming openwork Bush, dotted with incredibly beautiful flowers.
The tree peony is particularly revered in China, where he created the great gardens of mere "Emperors garden", as they are called by the Chinese themselves. However, in Russia and other countries with more severe climate, this plant is quite rare – the tree peonies, of varieties bred in Asian countries in warm climates with mild winters, it is hard to tolerate frosts of Russia, they need constant, complex care.
Fortunately, more than a dozen years in the national Botanical gardens breeding work is carried out over the frost tree peonies. Displayed more than four dozen varieties, care is minimized!
"Peter the Great", "Tatiana", "Nikolay Vavilov", "Maria", "Muse", "Lomonosov", "Hoffman", "Vladimir Mayakovsky" – these and other achievements of breeders gradually diverge from capital in all regions.
Tree peony – planting all the rules! The most optimal time for planting is considered to be the autumn from mid-August until the last days of September. Saplings peony tree is extremely not tolerate transplanting, a long time ill and recovering from it. Therefore, try to choose a good light, sheltered from the wind and a dry place for planting peony to not have it once again damage transfer.
Important: it is absolutely not suitable areas for planting peony, boggy ground and high groundwater level. Strong shading and wind – also no good.
It is believed that the soil of these tree peonies are not demanding, however it is noticed that they grow much better on alkaline soils with pH up to 7. Usually upsetting enough planting holes to a depth of 70 cm. Better if it is conical, i.e. the diameter of the top hole must be greater than twice the base.
Preparing the planting hole:
The bottom of the wells fall asleep a thirty-degree layer of gravel, sand and broken brick.
In the soil mixed with wood ash, a little lime, 100 g of superphosphate and bone meal.
Pour the drainage of such soil, to the planting and compacting the soil line was on the ground.
Abundant watering, the peony is not needed if the soil is still wet from the rain, fairly light watering.
Don't forget to cover the soil with a layer of mulch so it does not dry and does not crack.
Tree peony care for Feng Shui! Tree peonies are native selection does not need any special care: weeding, watering in severe drought, fertilizing during vegetation and flowering.
If planting is made in spring, it is recommended to break the most part of the buds, so the plant gain strength and prepare for winter.
If you do not intend to collect seeds for propagation, then remove and ovaries.
In subsequent years, even in the melting snow making complex fertilizers, which repeat at the beginning of budding.
In order not to damage the roots, fertilizers are applied with the next irrigation.
In autumn (October-November), tree trunks covered with mixture of soil, humus or peat, but in any case it is impossible to feed the hive with fertilizer or rotted compost or manure – this can lead to the development of Botrytis of peony.
Annual pruning specialists recommend spring, at the time of the awakening of the kidneys. Strong and not affected shoots are cut off to the first live buds, weaker shoots are pruned at a height of 15 cm peony quite easily tolerate drought, though during budding and during the preparation for winter (dry in autumn), irrigation will not be superfluous.
Important: To peonies survived our harsh winter, after the first frost they should be carefully linked, but to the ground not to bend (break) and cover with a tent of fir twigs is the best way to protect the plant from frost.
Gray mold is the most common disease suffered by all the peonies. However, if you picked the right place, planted the peony all the rules and care for them has become commonplace, the risk of manifestation of the rot is minimal.
The easiest way to propagate a tree peony – to split 5-year-old plant. Experienced gardeners resort to trickery acucela plants light soil mixture, how would raising the level of the soil. After a while shoots at this level develop roots, making it possible to obtain high-quality layers without separation of the Bush.
Source: www.mil-sad.ru