Scientists have found creatures that do not fit into the modern classification of

Every year scientists discover an entirely new species of living beings, which informed person are not met. But this time the researchers were in a difficult situation because the public their view does not fall under the existing biological systematics.
Marine biologists from the University of Copenhagen have discovered two new species which do not fit into the classification used in our days. The creation of these rather unusual in appearance and resemble a mixture of jellyfish and mushrooms. They were discovered in 1986 in the sea to the South-East coast of Australia at depths of 400 to 1000 meters. Since then, the creatures were preserved, and the scientists remembered about them only at the beginning of September 2014.

Open creatures, scientists have attributed to special family Dendrogrammatidae and mind Dendrogramma, as outlined discovered a couple of, respectively, Dendrogramma Enigmatica and Dendrogramma Discoides. As can be understood from the Greek word "enigma", used in the choice of names, being yet present for researchers of the mystery. The word "discoides" indicates the presence of beings discoid parts of the body.

Scientists still can not link the discovered creatures already exposed living species, and to solve this mysteries connected new researchers from different countries. While beings are in the status "Incertae sedis", indicating that the position of taxon (groups in classification) to which they relate is still unknown. Organisms can be related to the ancient forms of multicellular life existed on Earth in ediacaran period (about 600 million years ago).
Found individuals will be investigated thoroughly, including by means of molecular analysis, to find their position in the hierarchy of already known species.
Source: hi-news.ru