The trees began to grow faster
According to long-term observations of biologists from the Technical University of Munich, the trees are now growing much faster than a century ago.
According to scientists, the typical development phases of trees and stands has not changed, but they have accelerated by as much as 70 percent since the 1960s. Professor Hans Pretsch (Hans Pretzsch) said: "Our conclusions are based on a unique data pool". The work is based on data from experimental forest plots that have been observed systematically since 1870. This is one of the oldest forest and educational places in the world.
In particular, fir and beech as the predominant trees in Central Europe have shown the 32 and 77 percent, respectively. "Overall, areas have lower growth than individual trees. Because large trees require more space, and each array contains fewer trees," said the Professor.
The study was based on 600,000 individual tree studies, conducted since 1870. Press explains: "Even though the experimental plots differed from the point of view of climatic and soil conditions, we can distinguish a General trend of more rapid growth. We did not observe the trees in isolation, but always in interaction with its neighbours. It helped us to understand how the dynamics of individual trees affects the position in General. Growth trends at the forest level relevant to the forest industry from the point of view of productivity, carbon sequestration and climate risks".
Source: nauka24news.ru/