The little robot handles the plane + video

Developers from leading Korean scientific-technical Institute (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, KAIST) demonstrated the robot at the International conference IROS (International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems) in Chicago, is able to control the plane. The robot called PIBOT.
PIBOT is able to identify and use buttons and switches found in the cockpit, by which it will manage them. To determine the edge of the runway the robot has a video camera.
In the video below you can see how the robot is prepared for flight by turning the switches of the power supply, altimeter, etc. With the launch of PIBOT engine is accelerating on the runway, following its centre line. After takeoff, he starts to fall back to the runway and making a safe landing. Also, PIBOT can follow waypoints and maneuver.
However, the robot has some disadvantages: for landing the robot yet needs human help, and he has problems with perception, the resource phys.org. According to the developers, these shortcomings will soon be corrected.
Humanoid robot learning to fly on a device that is a copy of model airplane. His mechanical fingers from the control panel PIBOT uses visual information, presented on a computer monitor. While the concept is limited to simulating the model, but the researchers hope that soon PIBOT will be to manage a real plane.
Source: hi-news.ru