Ford demonstrates virtual reality system

In the event Ford's Innovation for Millions Ford gave the public a virtual reality system Immersive Vehicle Environment with which the company's designers can create virtual prototypes of future vehicles and to conduct some research before you start creating physical models or prototypes of these cars. This system is already in operation in the Centre of the design and engineering of Ford motor company in Melbourne, Australia, and now the constructors of the vehicles using this system to study some aspects of the safety and reliability of certain components of future cars.
In the laboratory of the Ford Immersive Vehicle Environment (FIVE), where all work with the system, is the layout of the driver's seat, equipped with seat and steering wheel. On the wall hangs an 80-inch monitor with 4K resolution and in one corner is a computer Desk. The user wears a virtual reality helmet Oculus Rift type and wearing special gloves, his position and movement are tracked with high precision by the use of 19 cameras in the walls and ceiling.

The wearer of the helmet virtual reality, the user is able to select one of the available digital three-dimensional models of cars and to place this model in the environment of a certain type. After that, the user can walk around a virtual car, as if he was standing in the showroom car, and sit in the driver's seat, evaluating the inner filling of the interior of the car. Despite the fact that in reality, a person sits in a chair layout he's got a full impression of sitting in a real car, so high detail models of cars and such a high quality level of drawing, which can be called almost photorealistic.

Virtual reality system Immersive Vehicle Environment allows you to open doors, trunk and hood of the car. Under the hood you can see the motor car in all its glory, after all, the digital model contains all data about all of the internal structure of the car.
Below you can see a video showing the operation of the system Immersive Vehicle Environment. The authors of this video I apologize in advance for not very high quality, because the survey was conducted using mobile phone camera.
Source: www.dailytechinfo.org