Energy management system ISO 50001:2011

ISO 50001 is a certification system that was created by the international organization for standardization (ISO) for the organization of the management of energy enterprises. It defines all the necessary requirements for implementation, installation, upgrade, and maintenance of energy management.
The main purpose of such certification is to give organizations the ability to follow a particular system in order to gradually achieve improvements of energy systems, including their efficiency, consumption and security.
When implementing for any enterprise of ISO 50001 the management strategy actions in the energy management. The size of the enterprise, its geographical and territorial situation does not play any role.
The basis of the modern sample certificate based on the Korean standard KS A 4000:2007, American standard ANSI/MSE 2000:2008 and the European standard EN 16001. Within 3 years was carried out meticulous work, which explored and analysed the experience of the old energy management and balanced solutions to the points of the standard.
In the end, priority was given to the concept of American standard, which expresses the main achievements of other countries in management of the energy sector. In may 2011 on the voting decision in a unanimous vote created a new energy management system ISO 50001:2011.
Built on the requirements of the certificate of the energy management system will allow any company to gradually reduce energy costs, minimize emissions of harmful substances into the environment, to improve the management procedure of the production processes and produce timely monitoring indicators.
Such innovations will greatly increase energy efficiency, and the robot itself in this sector, the company will comply with the international regulations.
Certificate ISO 50001:2011 has a high degree of compatibility of OHSAS 18001, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 22000. This will allow to implement it on the enterprise, either individually or in conjunction with the above standards to improve the management of the company as a whole.
Implementation of ISO 50001:2011 standard in its production yields a number of advantages, namely:
the company will be included in the list of potential recipients of tax benefits and exemptions;
increase the investment attractiveness;
reduced energy costs;
the organization will get a positive image among potential clients;
will significantly increase the company's competitiveness.
Today it is precisely those criteria that will allow the company to gradually develop and attract more and more new customers.
Source: zeleneet.com
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