9 habits and customs of the Indians who surprised the Europeans
Nine million one hundred eighty four thousand seven hundred twenty
When cooking any dish the Indians can use simultaneously from 10 to 20 different spices. The combination of seasonings for a traditional dishes preserved for centuries and passed down from generation to generation.
Indians write with the Devanagari. A characteristic feature of this letter is upper horizontal line, to which the "attached" hanging letters. When writing is used instead of prepositions postpositions: for example, the phrase "on the table there (is) Apple", literally translated, would sound like "table for one Apple is".
Prefer alcohol desserts. Men gathering company, buying sweets and Pepsi-Cola. Alcohol is considered an unworthy activity.
Do not eat with the guests. The owners serve dinner: served new dishes, changed the plates.
Obsessed with drugs. Contrary to the stereotype that Indians are treated exclusively with Ayurveda, people go to the doctor even when ill, so he prescribed some tablets. So the immunity of the people of India weak.
I do not remember not only birthdays, but often your age. The holiday is celebrated only for the first few years in childhood.
Not all Indians have passports (they are optional), so date of birth is often never recorded.
Worship actors like gods. A hang artist photos on the wall in front of them and perform Puja — a traditional prayer. Spouses are not called by name.
The Indians believe that his wife, addressing her husband by name, could ruin his karma and thereby to shorten the life. In home use affectionate nicknames or impersonal treatment: "Listen..."
Keep virginity until marriage. The innocence of both partners is still one of the main conditions of the marriage contract, concluded between the parents of the young.
Source: /users/1077
When cooking any dish the Indians can use simultaneously from 10 to 20 different spices. The combination of seasonings for a traditional dishes preserved for centuries and passed down from generation to generation.
Indians write with the Devanagari. A characteristic feature of this letter is upper horizontal line, to which the "attached" hanging letters. When writing is used instead of prepositions postpositions: for example, the phrase "on the table there (is) Apple", literally translated, would sound like "table for one Apple is".

Prefer alcohol desserts. Men gathering company, buying sweets and Pepsi-Cola. Alcohol is considered an unworthy activity.
Do not eat with the guests. The owners serve dinner: served new dishes, changed the plates.
Obsessed with drugs. Contrary to the stereotype that Indians are treated exclusively with Ayurveda, people go to the doctor even when ill, so he prescribed some tablets. So the immunity of the people of India weak.
I do not remember not only birthdays, but often your age. The holiday is celebrated only for the first few years in childhood.

Not all Indians have passports (they are optional), so date of birth is often never recorded.
Worship actors like gods. A hang artist photos on the wall in front of them and perform Puja — a traditional prayer. Spouses are not called by name.
The Indians believe that his wife, addressing her husband by name, could ruin his karma and thereby to shorten the life. In home use affectionate nicknames or impersonal treatment: "Listen..."
Keep virginity until marriage. The innocence of both partners is still one of the main conditions of the marriage contract, concluded between the parents of the young.
Source: /users/1077