The wishing well — a beautiful cluster of stars

Diffused and very bright cluster NGC 3532 in the accumulation of Kiel, we are separated by the distance of 1300 light years. It is often called "wishing Well" because it is very similar to fallen into the well of the silver coin. Can accumulation to compare with a Rugby ball. Therefore, the second informal name is "the Football cluster".
Extraordinarily beautiful constellation in the southern hemisphere to see even with the naked eye. One of the most spectacular clusters was opened by the astronomer of France Nicolas Louis de Lacaille when he conducted his observations in South Africa. It was 1752. The region of sky, NGC 3532 covers twice greater than the one which corresponds to the full moon.
About this accumulation in 1830 John Herschel wrote about how the rich double stars. In addition, in 1990 the facility became the first that was observed by Hubble. By the standards of open clusters of stars, this stellar group is in middle age, corresponding to 300 million years.
It continues to glow brightly stars born with moderate masses. Their color is blue and white. Well, those that belong to massive, its stock of hydrogen fuel has been exhausted, turning into red giants. The most massive, short lived and very bright life, became a supernova and exploded. In the cluster in addition to the blue and orange are dull and less noticeable stars, whose masses are not large. Their way of life longer, and the color from yellow to shades of red. And count to four.