Ancient pain reliever

Ancient constantly looking for new medical facilities, and found under water creature that turns from a deadly weapon in a miraculous cure. This secret has been lost... Until now.
Since the beginning of human history people have tried to control the pain. From ancient instruments of torture, which has caused unimaginable suffering to the magical ointment that relieves pain.
Today the word "pain reliever", we recall aspirin and morphine, but in 100 BC the Romans discovered another means to relieve pain.
At the heart of this forgotten secret is a terrible deep-sea creature. The Roman historian Plutarch described the incredible underwater Converter pain – a rare species of electric ray under the name Torpedo.
In ancient Roman texts describe how people suffering from pain in joints and legs, were taken to the shore. There they put his feet right on the back of Torpedo. Over time they became easier and the pain was gone.
In the Roman manuscript it is said that Torpedo could cure almost any pain, from colic to syphilis. But in addition to these descriptions in ancient manuscripts, we know nothing about how to carry out this treatment. As this is a dangerous creature shooting pain?
In the aquarium the Finistère in La Karuna, Spain, scientists are constantly studying the Torpedo. This fish, the secret of which could not solve for centuries, because she lives on the sandy bottom, hiding from human eyes. The discharge of the electric Torpedo is a self-defense, but he also uses it to kill prey: he attacks, releases in the extraction of the discharge current, paralyzing her, and then swallows.
To open the mystery of the Torpedo, a lethal electric shock the fish must be measured using the latest scientific methods. After 2 thousand years after the Romans discovered the electrical properties of Torpedo, modern scientists are trying to figure out how it produces electricity.
Two of the electric organ, each of which contains more than 5 thousand cells, form a "power plant" Torpedo. When the fish bites, the brain sends the cell a signal of danger, and is produced by electric discharge. Each cell produces a small amount of electricity, and the combination of many cells that act at the same time, produces a powerful electric discharge.
Electric discharge of the Torpedo measured with an oscilloscope, which measures a voltage depending on time. Torpedo is the Latin name for paralysis, so the measurement need to be very careful.
Torpedo produces electricity in the 20th, almost two times more than a car battery. He shot three times with an interval of 5 MS, which can cause a person serious pain. There remains the important question: how the Romans turned it into a water gun in painkiller?
The gates of the spinal cord control the pain and not miss her. Electricity wasalam nerve stimulation of this nerve closes the pain gate, thus the person feels less pain.
The ancients knew nothing of the pain gate in the spinal cord and knew nothing about nerve stimulation, to relieve pain, but they knew that using electricity that produces Torpedo, can reduce pain. Thousands of years later the modern machine perfected method of treatment.
Source: brainstorm-blog.ru