Amazing berry tree – Jabuticaba

Berry tree – Jabuticaba
There is a tropical miracle tree, the trunk and all the branches are covered with a continuous carpet of edible, black berries. It dvenadtsatiminutke, evergreen, branched tree called Jabuticaba. Jabuticaba (lat. Myrciaria caulifloria), known as the "Brazilian grape tree", belongs to the Myrtle family. Its elegant crown covered with evergreen, oblong, glossy leaves. In the spring the tree from the ground to the top of the head covered with white little flowers that have only four petals, but with a whole bunch of stamens, of which there are about 60 pieces in one inflorescence. In the period of ripening of the berries will change color. At first they are dark green, and then ripen they turn pink and Burgundy, and quite ripe — dark purple, almost black. The pulp of the berries have a slightly pink or white.
Jabuticaba grows very slowly, thermophilic tree and is very afraid of frost, so in their natural habitat of Mature trees is very small. It can be found in southern Brazil, Bolivia, Northern Argentina and Paraguay. Recently the tree is cultivated in crop and has been cultivated in Uruguay, Colombia, Cuba and the Philippines. Berry is very useful, because it makes a lot of different delicacies of the type of marmalade and jam, in Brazil, the dried skin of berries and a decoction is used in medicine to treat asthma, dysentery and diarrhea. And of course, make wine, it has a unique and interesting flavor, as the berries taste bitter, but as they say, for every taste, even specific, there are its fans and connoisseurs.
Fruits berries fresh for a long time is not stored, and therefore not transportable to see and try them fresh, alas, can not everyone on our great planet. But admiring such an unusual tree that is completely covered with berries we can, looking at these photos.published

Source: allfreefoto.ru