IBM started testing the AI, simulating the human brain

About Numenta, the General public became aware for the first time in 2011, when she joined former Vice President of the marketing Department, HP Joe Hayashi. However, since then, companies involved in developments associated with artificial intelligence, no news was not. More recently, however, portal MIT Technology Review published an article that indicates that the technologies the AI company Numenta very serious interest was expressed by technology giant IBM.
It is reported that IBM began testing software developed by Numenta algorithms designed to perform various practical tasks, such as, for example, analysis of satellite imagery of crop fields, as well as detection of early symptoms working in such fields of technology. If you believe the sources, the technology Numenta has attracted the attention of IBM, because, unlike other artificial intelligence programs, it is based on some principles of the human brain. A group of testers IBM new algorithm that includes 100 people, is a veteran of development studies AI Winifred Wilk.
"The technology Numenta is closest to the biological reality, in comparison with other programs of machine learning" — quoted by Wilk test portal Technology Review.
In other words, the algorithm of the program, unlike other, more like the algorithms of the human brain. Compared to other programs, it is capable of much faster to collect, analyze, and compare data. In addition, as noted, even at this stage of development the Numenta algorithms have the potential of creating on their basis of more intelligent software.
This project, however, has already criticised. Gary Marcus, Professor of psychology from new York University and co-founder of another company on the development of artificial intelligence, shared portal Tech Review that, despite some ability to simulate the human brain, the development of Numenta is only an overly simplified process of the brain. Furthermore, Marcus notes that he "still failed to see how the program is able to understand human language, or at least to see impressive results in her ability image recognition".
And still would be very interesting to see how IBM will try to use this technology, for example, to create an ideal program to convert speech to text, or create on its basis the voice assistant that understands any accent. At the same time employees Numenta focused on training programs in the management of physical hardware to further its application in creating robots of the future. published
Source: hi-news.ru