Unique ways to increase space without reconstruction

Without the overhaul, the movement of even a small Studio can do more. Below the apartment was comfortable and spacious, you need to strictly follow a few recommendations.

A minimum of furniture and decorative should be enough. The magnitude of beds, quantity of cabinets, their size depends on the available space. For the bedroom needs a comfortable and compact bed, which can be set at the second level. The rest of the rooms should be the required set. You should avoid various items, decorations, used to decorate, but cluttering the room.

An audit of the existing systems henanese household items require periodic inspection. Regularly need to get rid of stuff that is not needed. For seasonal things, requires economical methods of storage. For example, they can be folded into the baskets and to clean under the bed or in the closet, and little things to hang on the hooks. Well just clear out cupboards attached to the ceiling, where you can hide everything that is rarely used.

Optimal osvesheniya if the room receives a lot of sun. Appropriate here translucent curtains that let in lots of light. Large chandeliers will not fit. This decor exclusively for large areas. Will look nice miniature pendants, sconces, neon tape.

Use free to Uglevodorody the room, you can use narrow vertical cabinets or hanging shelves that are installed at the junction of two adjacent walls. Such additional storage space Central part of the room will make it more spacious. It is possible for these areas to find another use, explaining to them the working area or table for bedside lamps.

The combination of functional noneconomic meters the combination of several fields. The kitchen is adjacent with the living room or dining room. Well, when a combined bedroom and study or dressing room. Parcel boundaries are the screens, various partitions, changing colors.

Visual increase posadiv combat close quarters will help the visual perception of space. It is known that light walls and ceiling can give a room a more casual look. The illusion is create a mirror plane. Large Windows, bearing a moderate solar flux, giving the apartment a fresh and cozy.

For the implementation of these simple rules will not require major repairs. Their implementation will make the living area more comfortable and convenient.published



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Source: interiorsmall.ru/sposoby-uvelicheniya-prostranstva-bez-rekonstruktsii/