5A-class student Diary
to continue see transcript, I just cried
PS: a boy named Krivossytsky Valera
7 September. Friday.
P.-ka - 2
Mat-ka - 2
Lit-ra - 2
Behavior unsatisfactory. Hamit. Pont. July 10 parent meeting will be held at 18.00, room. 20. The turnout of parents is required.
Kl.ruk JB ** oletova.
7 September. Friday.
The class teacher. With a record examined. A suggestion. Flogged. E.Krivos.
10 SEPTEMBER. Monday.
Nevertheless, I would still discuss the behavior of your son. I ask you to find the time.
Kl.ruk JB ** oletova.
11 SEPTEMBER. Tuesday.
Sorry, I do not have free time.
Sincerely, E.Krivos.
12-TH OF SEPTEMBER. Wednesday.
In this case, forced to raise the question of exclusion from school Valera.
Kl.ruk JB ** oletova.
Once again I repeat to you. Education of his son completely satisfied. Your attitude biased. I advise him to radically reconsider.
13 September. Thursday.
Now I am quite clear on who is growing like your son. Like father like son ... Have a nice day.
Kl.ruk JB ** oletova.
SEPTEMBER 14. Thursday.
Hey you, a sheep, you're in there, bl @ hints? And to whom he still look like a bitch? On Kolka neighbor can? You are not oxy% la whether the end, school thing?
Without uvazh.E.Krivos
It is a pity that such a nice boy's father. I sincerely advise me not to be rude.
Kl.ruk JB ** oletova.
Pi3dets you bl% rd. Wait 18.00. I will be fucked @ Th, fucked @ Th, fucked @ be you to colic, to lilac snot to hiccups, you% bu the length and breadth of all slots in the points your you you% bu, in your whole fucked @ ny school equipment You% bu all the flowers on the windowsill, you boo% Globe and shove in your w% PU% pi3da you re bath, cool, bl% rd. Get ready, Shushary.
SEPTEMBER 19. Tuesday.
Lit-ra - 5
Mat-ka - 5
P.-ka - 5.
I ask my father to go to school. Kl.ruk JB ** oletova
PS: a boy named Krivossytsky Valera
7 September. Friday.
P.-ka - 2
Mat-ka - 2
Lit-ra - 2
Behavior unsatisfactory. Hamit. Pont. July 10 parent meeting will be held at 18.00, room. 20. The turnout of parents is required.
Kl.ruk JB ** oletova.
7 September. Friday.
The class teacher. With a record examined. A suggestion. Flogged. E.Krivos.
10 SEPTEMBER. Monday.
Nevertheless, I would still discuss the behavior of your son. I ask you to find the time.
Kl.ruk JB ** oletova.
11 SEPTEMBER. Tuesday.
Sorry, I do not have free time.
Sincerely, E.Krivos.
12-TH OF SEPTEMBER. Wednesday.
In this case, forced to raise the question of exclusion from school Valera.
Kl.ruk JB ** oletova.
Once again I repeat to you. Education of his son completely satisfied. Your attitude biased. I advise him to radically reconsider.
13 September. Thursday.
Now I am quite clear on who is growing like your son. Like father like son ... Have a nice day.
Kl.ruk JB ** oletova.
SEPTEMBER 14. Thursday.
Hey you, a sheep, you're in there, bl @ hints? And to whom he still look like a bitch? On Kolka neighbor can? You are not oxy% la whether the end, school thing?
Without uvazh.E.Krivos
It is a pity that such a nice boy's father. I sincerely advise me not to be rude.
Kl.ruk JB ** oletova.
Pi3dets you bl% rd. Wait 18.00. I will be fucked @ Th, fucked @ Th, fucked @ be you to colic, to lilac snot to hiccups, you% bu the length and breadth of all slots in the points your you you% bu, in your whole fucked @ ny school equipment You% bu all the flowers on the windowsill, you boo% Globe and shove in your w% PU% pi3da you re bath, cool, bl% rd. Get ready, Shushary.
SEPTEMBER 19. Tuesday.
Lit-ra - 5
Mat-ka - 5
P.-ka - 5.
I ask my father to go to school. Kl.ruk JB ** oletova