Swordplay seedlings: what it is and why you need
When the seedlings formed 2-3 true leaves, they dive, that is transplanted. For planting select only well-developed, the strongest seedlings. Using the peg slightly loosen the soil, reach under the seedling and pull it out, hold the seedling over the leaf, not the stem and try to keep the soil at its roots.
Planting seedlings can be better in pots, but can be on the shelves (rastojanie 10:10 cm).
Plant seedlings deeply, up to the cotyledons, the upper part is left 1.5-2.5 cm. the Ground press down lightly to the roots of the seedling. Good soil contact with the roots is important for the rapid growth of new roots. Slightly pull the plant sheet, you will check whether sits firmly seedling in the ground. Then water the seedlings.

Another method of watering, when done with peg holes — lay piercy the holes and then pour water to the depth of the hole, but try not to spill above the fossa. The depth of the holes-the holes in the ground equals the height of the index finger (5-6 cm). Then lightly press the roots to the earth and the earth around the seedling level. More watering is not necessary. After pricking the seedlings for the first 3-4 days keep the temperature in the greenhouse 16-18°C and night 14-15°C. Water the seedlings 1-2 times per week until complete soaking of the soil to the root. Before the next watering, the soil should be slightly wet, but at the same time we can not allow long breaks in glazes. 12 days after pricking the seedlings need feeding up.
First feeding: 10 liters of water 1 tbsp nitrosi or nitroamofoska and 1 Cup of fresh mullein. If the seedlings are in pots, the solution flow rate on 2 of the pot 1 Cup of dressing. And don't forget to spray the seedlings skim milk (1/2 Cup milk, 1 liter of water). This procedure of disinfection of seedlings milk should continue until the time of her transplant.
The following dressing is spent in cases if the seedling grows slowly and has pale green color.
Second feeding: 10 liters of water take 1 tbsp. spoon of urea or cristalina, or ammonium nitrate, at a rate of 1 Cup of solution for 1 Bush. After feeding it is necessary to improve thermal conditions: day t o 18-20°C, night of 16-17°C.
If the seedlings are booming, as they say — you get fat and need to stop watering to dry soil (8-10 days). Then give root fertilizing with a strong solution of superphosphate: per 10 liters of water 3 tablespoons of superphosphate (1стакан solution for one root). In Sunny weather the day temperature hold 22-24°C, night of 16-17°C, and in cloudy weather, lower temperature (day 17-18°C, night 15-16°C).
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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