Now I know how to wrap gifts better than the store. Clever trick!
I used to always wrapped gifts in a shop or buy special packages for them. But one day everything changed - a friend showed me how to do a miracle.
To create the original packaging, it took only a few minutes. I think this is a godsend for anyone who wants to save the wrapping paper , but at the same time to please loved ones a nice little bagatelle!
How to Make Gift upakovku
You need colored paper glue ribbon in the color of the paper
With this video you can learn to make extremely simple package for a gift for any occasion!
If you relished the idea, show it to their closest friends. It will rescue them repeatedly!
To create the original packaging, it took only a few minutes. I think this is a godsend for anyone who wants to save the wrapping paper , but at the same time to please loved ones a nice little bagatelle!
How to Make Gift upakovku
You need colored paper glue ribbon in the color of the paper
With this video you can learn to make extremely simple package for a gift for any occasion!
If you relished the idea, show it to their closest friends. It will rescue them repeatedly!
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