24.05. From $ 24 to $ 50 billion

Toco I just beg you - do not talk for sho Peter Minuit (Minёyt?) Much knew how to gesheft, pulled on the poor Indians and 30 guilders for the entire Manhattan - money is just ridiculous. So I'll tell you two things. You remember, it was Shaw in time? Schaub did you know at that time, kada West India Company issued the mandate of the States General of the Netherlands for sho can build a bright future on the river, Shaw was later named the Hudson, there was grazing half of Europe. (By the way, the river was called the Hudson, on sёneymu sailed over it Henry to me very strange, why do we have this same Henry Hudson and the landlord Holmes -.. Hudson with the same spelling). So from but is quite normal for the place and time of the comrades of the British and French expeditionary corps with familiar, practically next door - on the Delaware River kuchkovalis and subjects of the Swedish crown. Sweden neshuteyno rubilas almost half of Europe (Thirty Years' War, not counting the small things), cache and had a lot of time. And they Prytula colony New Sweden on the Delaware River exactly for the purpose of raising the tobacco and thus cover the deficit not weak royal treasury. And the composition of its noble tobacco growers were mostly gentlemen recidivists, which parole issued under the terms of their move to a new residence on the plantation. Bite off a piece of neighbor are very able and, sho more importantly, know how. RATED disposition? That is, the paper seems to own as it is, but who cares to such an extent Schaub to read it, let alone agree with the content (Shaw subsequently happened quite soon). And then there's like a local and there, which is also not a reason to have a conflict and that the paper is again not very influential looks.
From here, Schaub reduce the overall degree of Peter, as he thinks, resolves amicably with the local. And barter their island on the farm bunch desired Kramu (net cash Indians and the gift at the time did not give up, they took an ax, ropes, rags, knives). Approximately in the range of 30 guilders ($ 24) came.
Remember two things promised to say? So from. The contract of barter in Peter held the Indians Kanarsis. Who lived at present, about Brooklyn, on Long Island. Do not say, sho is not local. But in Manhattan lived Manahata.
Shaw obtained? Let's go boys to hunt near the island, a little bite from the neighbors, then they are asked to grind for the land. Hunters hang this much for a long time there is no reason. But the real opportunity for free pribarahlitsya. Long bargaining in such circumstances, you understand, is inappropriate.
So sho someone who then clapped - a very big question
. Well, today, if we take the only the land, excluding built on it, for the Manhattan need to roll out 49 billion dollars
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