Can you solve this math puzzle?

Website offers to solve this small problem, which has collected more than 450 thousand likes and almost 3 million comments in just a few days. So what's the catch?

In fact, in this problem, there are two possible solutions
Solution number 1:.
If the sum of each equation to add the amount of the previous:
1 + 4 = 5
5 + 2 + 5 = 12
12 + 3 + 6 = 21
Thus, 21 + 8 + 11 = 40.
So, if you follow this method, the answer is equal to 40
Solution number 2:.
For the second method we use multiplication:
1 + (4 × 1) = 5
+ 2 (5 × 2) = 12
3 + (6 × 3) = 21
As a result, we get 8 + (8 × 11) = 96.
A:. 96
Your answer is 40 or 96? Congratulations! Both answers are equally valid.
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