Top 5 Unexpected products that make a handsome
Total human appeal, as is known, depends on many factors. Weight, height, body shapes, even tone of voice play an important role. However, few people know that a certain impact on the attractiveness and provides more food. It turns out that some of the products are capable of making a person more attractive.
1. Vanilla
This product makes a person more attractive to the opposite sex for two reasons. Firstly, the aroma of vanilla - is a natural aphrodisiac. No wonder this ingredient for a long time manufacturers have adopted the "seductive" perfume.
Secondly, vanilla, particularly yogurt vanilla improves mood. Hence - it makes people more cheerful, open and attractive to the eyes of others. To such conclusion the group of nutritionists from the Netherlands. "Vanilla - a powerful aromatic stimulant that can reduce anxiety and improve mood," - explains one of the study's authors Shira Linchevskiy
2.. Garlic
The smell of garlic, in contrast to vanilla, positive feelings does not cause. Argue with that difficult. Obviously, this is why many people try to avoid at all meals, as part of which the product is present. And for good reason. Scientists from the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Charles University conducted a study with the participation of several dozen men and women and found that garlic significantly increases the attractiveness of men.
In the first stage the researchers divided into two groups of volunteers. The first consumed a garlic (of the men ate 4 grams of this product, and the rest - 12) and the second abstained. At the second stage of the study volunteers, professionals took sweat samples (a cross between a liquid into special pads) and women were asked to evaluate them in several ways: courage, strength and attractiveness. The results were stunning: the highest scores ladies put those men who ate 12 grams of garlic. According to scientists, these results are due to the fact that garlic has antibacterial action and reduces the number of bacteria in the sweat - eliminating the cause of his bad smell. As for women, they, the researchers believe in evolution have learned to choose a healthy partner is the smell of his sweat.
< 3. Cinnamon
According to one legend, Cleopatra Mark Antony won the love thanks to its aroma of perfume, created on the basis of cinnamon. This product is an aphrodisiac, has on people the same effect as the vanilla - uplifting, makes it more disposed and kind towards others
. 4. Celery Next on our list - celery, which refers to the vegetables, then to green. This wishy-washy at first glance the product often was referred to as "vegetable Viagra". Eating celery increases the level of pheromones in sweat, thus making a person more attractive to the opposite sex.
That's what they say about celery professors Judy Gaman and Mark Anderson, author of "stay young. 10 proven steps to good health ":" We encourage men before leaving the house to take a nice warm shower, eat fresh celery and carefully brush your teeth. " Scientists also are reminded that regular consumption of celery increases the quantity and quality of semen.
< 5. A glass of wine
But only one at the most. Scientists from the University of Bristol (UK) advised before a date to drink one glass of wine, as it give the skin a "healthy glow" and make a person more attractive to a partner, as a light blush on a subconscious level is perceived positively, because it indicates good health. The researchers do not recommend drinking more than one glass, as more wines will have an unhealthy redness of the face, that will provoke different effect.
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1. Vanilla
This product makes a person more attractive to the opposite sex for two reasons. Firstly, the aroma of vanilla - is a natural aphrodisiac. No wonder this ingredient for a long time manufacturers have adopted the "seductive" perfume.
Secondly, vanilla, particularly yogurt vanilla improves mood. Hence - it makes people more cheerful, open and attractive to the eyes of others. To such conclusion the group of nutritionists from the Netherlands. "Vanilla - a powerful aromatic stimulant that can reduce anxiety and improve mood," - explains one of the study's authors Shira Linchevskiy
2.. Garlic
The smell of garlic, in contrast to vanilla, positive feelings does not cause. Argue with that difficult. Obviously, this is why many people try to avoid at all meals, as part of which the product is present. And for good reason. Scientists from the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Charles University conducted a study with the participation of several dozen men and women and found that garlic significantly increases the attractiveness of men.

In the first stage the researchers divided into two groups of volunteers. The first consumed a garlic (of the men ate 4 grams of this product, and the rest - 12) and the second abstained. At the second stage of the study volunteers, professionals took sweat samples (a cross between a liquid into special pads) and women were asked to evaluate them in several ways: courage, strength and attractiveness. The results were stunning: the highest scores ladies put those men who ate 12 grams of garlic. According to scientists, these results are due to the fact that garlic has antibacterial action and reduces the number of bacteria in the sweat - eliminating the cause of his bad smell. As for women, they, the researchers believe in evolution have learned to choose a healthy partner is the smell of his sweat.
< 3. Cinnamon
According to one legend, Cleopatra Mark Antony won the love thanks to its aroma of perfume, created on the basis of cinnamon. This product is an aphrodisiac, has on people the same effect as the vanilla - uplifting, makes it more disposed and kind towards others
. 4. Celery Next on our list - celery, which refers to the vegetables, then to green. This wishy-washy at first glance the product often was referred to as "vegetable Viagra". Eating celery increases the level of pheromones in sweat, thus making a person more attractive to the opposite sex.

That's what they say about celery professors Judy Gaman and Mark Anderson, author of "stay young. 10 proven steps to good health ":" We encourage men before leaving the house to take a nice warm shower, eat fresh celery and carefully brush your teeth. " Scientists also are reminded that regular consumption of celery increases the quantity and quality of semen.
< 5. A glass of wine
But only one at the most. Scientists from the University of Bristol (UK) advised before a date to drink one glass of wine, as it give the skin a "healthy glow" and make a person more attractive to a partner, as a light blush on a subconscious level is perceived positively, because it indicates good health. The researchers do not recommend drinking more than one glass, as more wines will have an unhealthy redness of the face, that will provoke different effect.
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