15 postcards from the experts of the Russian language

philologists - special people. They know the difference between an early Gumilev of late, when language was reducing vowels, and never allow mistakes in the accents of the words "calling", "cakes" and many others. And let skeptics arrogantly grinning about it, we are sure: without the humanities world would not be so beautiful

. Today Website Funny collected sayings of those who have dedicated themselves to the noble occupation - the study of languages ​​and literature


See also: 17 postcards about the intricacies of Russian language
15 postcards with subtle sarcasm for connoisseurs

Russian language via www.adme.ru/svoboda-kultura/15-otkrytok-s-tonkim-sarkazmom-dlya-znatokov-russkogo-yazyka-1128710/


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