Makeup artist makes her lips into works of art
Makeup has long ceased to be just a way to put himself in order - Today is a real art. That talented Canadian makeup artist Andrea Reed (Andrea Reed) once again proves this fact: as a canvas for their work ... it uses your own lips
! On her Instagram signed by more than 100 000 people, and we are in the Website is also not remained indifferent to the creativity of the girls and share them with you.
According to the materials: boredpanda
via www.boredpanda.com/lip-art-make-up-andrea-reed-girl-grey-beauty/
! On her Instagram signed by more than 100 000 people, and we are in the Website is also not remained indifferent to the creativity of the girls and share them with you.

According to the materials: boredpanda
via www.boredpanda.com/lip-art-make-up-andrea-reed-girl-grey-beauty/
Photographer traveled 15,000 miles for New Zealand to make the perfect shot
15 pictures, to see the world through the eyes of children