Hawaii State Court quashed a building permit Thirty Meter Telescope

protesting against the construction of the telescope locals i>
December 2 High суд Hawaii canceled issued in May, the Governor of the construction permit Thirty Meter Telescope. The telescope was to be the largest of optical instruments. The resolution was withdrawn due to the numerous protests of the local population against the construction of the telescope.
The Court held that the State Land Committee should not approve the decision on the construction, which was seen as early as 2011. According to the court, the community of people who are now protesting against the building, did not have the opportunity to express their protest before the decision was approved.
Originally it was planned that construction will begin in April 2014, but this was prevented by protesters blocked roads for the transport of construction equipment and building materials. Official construction is still began October 7, 2014 with a ceremony - and almost immediately was also blocked by demonstrators, whose number gradually increased.
Against the building are the protesters from the local community, to form a group Sacred Mauna Kea. They object to the "desecration" of their sacred mountain. Hawaiians believe that the Mauna Kea - a symbolic navel island, connected with heaven, where the souls of their ancestors, and can not be used to deploy human activity and building on it.
However, since 1964, when the mountain road was built, eleven countries have built on the mountain thirteen different telescopes. The unique location of Mauna Kea , its high altitude (mountain when measured from its base, located in the ocean, its height will be about 10,000 meters) and favorable weather conditions make it one of the best places in the world for astronomical observations.

Map telescopes on Mauna Kea at the time of their construction i>
The mirror of the telescope must exceed 3 times the surface area of самого large existing . Thirty Meter Telescope analogues in the southern hemisphere should become Европейский extremely large telescope and Гигантский Magellan Telescope . Currently there is a construction of Chile.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/266902/
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