Exciting and a letter Mark Zuckerberg his newborn to a daughter

Founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg accepts congratulations with a remarkable event of the: of these days from him daughter was born, which he with his wife Priscilla Chan have named Max. Birth of a child many compels on the-take a fresh look at the world and think about the fact, as far as he is kind and is safe. Marc not an exception.
In facebook he published an open letter to to daughter, where promises her, that the will make all efforts, to make the world better. And this is not just words: Mark plans to gradually get rid from 99% of the shares Facebook and to convey money for charity.
We are in Site an infinitely respect the Brand for his decision to and are publishing the most important excerpts from his letters. For fully formatted text is possible to read on the page Zuckerberg's in sotsseti.
- Honey Max!
At us with mum yet does not suffice words to describe the that hope, whither thou gave us by their appearance into the light. Your life is full of promises, and we are very hope that the thou shalt be to grow a healthy and happy and'll be able to to implement them.
How to and all parents, we want to, you to grew in a better world. Newspapers is constantly shout about how all awful, but in fact the world really is changing. Health of people improves. Poverty shrinking. Knowledge grow. People are combined. Technological process of helps to make life easier and better.
But in at the moment we are doing is not enough for solutions of those problems, with whom in the future will face your generation. It:
Illnesses of. Today people most of all die from diseases of the heart, of cancer, of stroke, neurodegenerative and of infectious diseases. And we can to achieve more rapid progress in their treatment. Inequality and disunity of. Can we to destroy the poverty and hunger? We can provide each man on the earth medical help? Can to make so that among people reigned good and understanding of? We can achieve peace between different peoples? Yes, our generation may of all this achieve, just need to strongly to want and attach the efforts of. Standardized training of. Our generation has grown in classes, where all crammed one and the same. I want, to your generation put before itself purpose in the depending on the addition, whom do you want to become a. Students be able to receive personalized education, even if the next to no good school - on the internet. We have already begun to develop such a system of education, and the first results promising. Children who grow up in appalling conditions. Technologies by themselves do not will decide to of our problems - a better world begins with the construction healthy society. This means, that every child on the earth - regardless of the color of the skin and affluence - must to learn and grow happy. Your mom - Doctor of and the teacher, and for her this question is more important than of all.
< We are with your mom we have decided to devote our lives solving the problems, who are in dire will stand in front of you and thine their peers
Therefore, we launched charity fund Chan Zuckerberg Initiative - we want to stand up into the ranks of those people, which develop human capacity and try to to make so, that all children on the planet can grow healthy and happy. The main objectives of of our fund - the development of of individual training, treatment of diseases of, association of people and creation of strong communities.
Throughout life we gradually'll sell 99% of our shares Facebook - in Currently, about $ 45 billion - and will give money in our charitable foundation. We are in a course, that the it's not so a lot compared with the knowledge and talents people who are already toil on the creation of a better world. But we are doing that we can.
I understand that at everyone who me now reads, have a bunch of of questions. We are with Priscilla will tell more info about everything a little later. And while we not breath enough on the malyshku and to think not can neither about anything else.
Max, we are so love you. And we are sure, what to do the world a better for you and all children - it is our responsibility. We wish you your life, in which the will be so much same of love, of hope and joy, how much do you givest to us. We dream see which you will become and that thou bring into this world.
Letter Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook
On the previews - a photo from the page Zuckerberg's
via www.facebook.com/notes/mark-zuckerberg/a-letter-to-our-daughter/10153375081581634?pnref=story