Thirty eight million eighty seven thousand seven hundred sixty six
When choosing a sling scarf you need to pay attention to such nuances:
Two types of slings, woven and knitted, for the little ones are best suited knitted sling scarves. After all, the newborn child must always feel the connection to mother. Special knit fabric that stretches in all directions, because the technique of its manufacture is somewhat reminiscent of knitting fabric. Due to this property the baby will always be in a comfortable position for it.
We suggest you continue to find our range of products from knitwear to transfer kids.
For what age they are suitable
Clear limits for the child's age is not, but the slings with a soft knitted fabrics often buy for the little ones since birth. The fabric also helps to hide all errors techniques of coiling and laying in him the baby. Even if the fabric is somewhere Packed or not "lie" to comfort the child it is in no way affected.
Very often it is knit types recommended for parents of premature babies. So they are in conditions reminiscent of the womb. And many argue that premature babies recover faster with constant and close contact with the parent.
Kids are older with more weight will simply SAG in knit and constantly feel the discomfort. And the parents will not be enough convenient to carry.
Maternity clothes
We also offer clothes for moms clothes for nursing. Popular goods can be called tunics for breastfeeding women on any occasion.
In society there is a perception that a woman who feeds the child must reside in the house and when out on the street to dress so that others were not noticeable nor any of the features of this condition. Earlier it was very difficult to find things that can help in this situation. But the current producers of goods for moms allow women to stay beautiful and attractive regardless of the circumstances.
Advantages sundresses:
When choosing a sling scarf you need to pay attention to such nuances:
- the age of the baby;
- time of the year;
- the ability to tie;
Two types of slings, woven and knitted, for the little ones are best suited knitted sling scarves. After all, the newborn child must always feel the connection to mother. Special knit fabric that stretches in all directions, because the technique of its manufacture is somewhat reminiscent of knitting fabric. Due to this property the baby will always be in a comfortable position for it.
We suggest you continue to find our range of products from knitwear to transfer kids.
For what age they are suitable
Clear limits for the child's age is not, but the slings with a soft knitted fabrics often buy for the little ones since birth. The fabric also helps to hide all errors techniques of coiling and laying in him the baby. Even if the fabric is somewhere Packed or not "lie" to comfort the child it is in no way affected.
Very often it is knit types recommended for parents of premature babies. So they are in conditions reminiscent of the womb. And many argue that premature babies recover faster with constant and close contact with the parent.
Kids are older with more weight will simply SAG in knit and constantly feel the discomfort. And the parents will not be enough convenient to carry.
Maternity clothes
We also offer clothes for moms clothes for nursing. Popular goods can be called tunics for breastfeeding women on any occasion.
In society there is a perception that a woman who feeds the child must reside in the house and when out on the street to dress so that others were not noticeable nor any of the features of this condition. Earlier it was very difficult to find things that can help in this situation. But the current producers of goods for moms allow women to stay beautiful and attractive regardless of the circumstances.
Advantages sundresses:
- they can be worn during pregnancy, because high-quality fabric does not stretch in the abdomen;
- bust sundress sewn in such a way that maintains the desired shape of the breast and prevents it to SAG even without a bra;
- breast sundresses there are hidden cuts, which imperceptibly to feed your baby;
- you can choose the clothes for any occasion and on any weather.