Funny bears in the lens Nikolai Zinoviev
Wildlife photographer from Moscow Nikolai Zinoviev hunts medvedey.Vo his travels to Kamchatka and Alaska Nikolai Zinoviev all day watching private individuals and entire families bear. Especially fun to take pictures of bear cubs. Silly and cute young swim, hunt for fish, play with each other, bill and coo with my mother.
Sometimes Nikolai shoots from a distance using a Nikon 600mm lens. And sometimes, very close fit. Photographer perfectly versed in the habits of bears and chooses the right moment, when the clumsy ate plenty of fish and kinder. At such moments the cubs do not just allow yourself to shoot, but it seems even posing with pleasure.
Dance until the young. em>
Come on, Mom. em>
Hush! Do not flush out. Em>
I'm tired. em>
8 bears. em>
informal conversation. em>
Sweet dreams. em>
Bear tenderness. em>
This is my fish! em>
Scratch the back. em>
Dad, is that you? em>
Mother of the hunt, the children are watching. em>
My mother is sleeping, she was tired. em>
Where is my mother? em>
Tenderness. em>
obnimashki. em>
Photographer Nikolai Zinoviev at work. em>
Just beasts
Funny animals
via www.adme.ru/vdohnovenie-919705/veselye-zhivotnye-373155/
Sometimes Nikolai shoots from a distance using a Nikon 600mm lens. And sometimes, very close fit. Photographer perfectly versed in the habits of bears and chooses the right moment, when the clumsy ate plenty of fish and kinder. At such moments the cubs do not just allow yourself to shoot, but it seems even posing with pleasure.

Dance until the young. em>

Come on, Mom. em>

Hush! Do not flush out. Em>

I'm tired. em>

8 bears. em>

informal conversation. em>

Sweet dreams. em>

Bear tenderness. em>

This is my fish! em>

Scratch the back. em>

Dad, is that you? em>

Mother of the hunt, the children are watching. em>

My mother is sleeping, she was tired. em>

Where is my mother? em>

Tenderness. em>

obnimashki. em>

Photographer Nikolai Zinoviev at work. em>
Just beasts
Funny animals
via www.adme.ru/vdohnovenie-919705/veselye-zhivotnye-373155/