The ability to teleport proved experimentally
So, the future is already here - Japanese scientists first in the world able to carry out teleportation! From point A to point B was instantly moved the beam of light.
To experiment Noriyuki Lee and his colleagues pulled down into elementary particles of light - photons. They left only one photon, which bore in itself the information about all the rest of the beam. This photon was a "quantum entangled" with the other photons in point B. It turned out that these two photons instantaneously influence each other, physically located in different places. Due to this on the basis of the original photon beam of light was the same moment recreated elsewhere.
Interestingly, Albert Einstein, suggest the possibility of a quantum particle confusion in 1935, he believed his theory absurd. Subsequently, however, physicists have proved that the quantum confusion exists on the basis of this already in the 21st century, some companies have created technology protected channels of communication.
By the way, among other things, the existence of this phenomenon proves the existence of multiple parallel universes.
via factroom.ru
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