There inverted rainbow

In the skies over Britain for a few minutes hanging upside down rainbow. The British managed to capture this unique phenomenon, typical for the North and South poles, and were very pleased.
"Literally minutes 8 rainbow was in the sky, and then disappeared completely. Everything froze! "- Said one of the residents of the UK.
Inverted rainbow was much brighter than usual, and the colors are arranged in reverse order - from purple to red.
Unlike traditional rainbow "inverted rainbow" appears on the pure sky, no rain clouds. The sun's rays should cover a certain angle similar to the thin veil of haze clouds at a height of 7 - 8 thousand meters. At this altitude cirrus clouds composed of tiny ice crystals. When bulging clouds of ice crystals fall under the rays of the sun - the light is reflected into the atmosphere, and people can not see the colorful phenomenon.

Source: ibigdan.livejournal.com
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