Kissinger - a device to transmit a kiss over long distances
Hooman Samani - a scientist involved in the study of scientific intelligence in Singapore, which became famous thanks to the invention Kissinger. So he called a robot that can emulate and transmit a kiss between the cities.
Hooman Samani came up with a concept device that can be a commercial success and a hit in Asian countries other than the love of unusual devices. His Kissinger is small in size, resembling a vidusvinyu-piggy bank. The device is equipped with a pair of artificial lips touch that reproduce movement.
If you want to send your kiss on the other end of the world, take the device in his hands and lips in a passionate hug silicone lips Kissinger. The recipient of the kiss should do the same, and the two devices will give your lip movements from one to another, recreating thus a real kiss.
The device has a strange feature: each time to be touched his lips, it makes sounds similar to grunting swine. Slightly strange way to create a romantic atmosphere.
via factroom.ru
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