Flies can zakusat to death
Toxic shock syndrome - simulidotoksikoz recently often occurs due to the massive attacks of black flies. They can bite an animal or a person so much that saliva will serve the cause of death.
In 2010, the year in Louisiana (US) Department of Zoology at the Faculty of Medicine received 20 birds with hundreds of small hemorrhages under the skin, half of the birds died soon after. Diagnosis - the bites of black flies. These insects live in the rivers and plant parasites living in the human body and damaging. If untreated, the parasites can cause severe pain, organ failure and blindness. And can cause horrible death.
When flies eat, then they penetrate into the body like mites, and can not be removed until naedyatsya. Of course, one can swat a fly, but when they are more than a hundred, then it is difficult. Even if they are not bled animals, so poisoning for sure: the saliva flies is a whole cocktail of poisons.
via factroom.ru