3 revolutionary discoveries made by the telescope, "Kepler"
"Kepler" - a space telescope NASA, which currently has, unfortunately, is out of order, but in the three years of its work the scientists managed to make a lot of discoveries, lifts the veil of the universe. Thus, the mission of "Kepler," which cost $ 600 million, has helped astronomers identify the 132 exoplanets, more clearly draw the map of the Milky Way and discover potentially habitable celestial bodies. Here are a few surprising discoveries "Kepler».
1. We do not odni
Terrible loneliness in a network can only be intergalactic loneliness. But thanks to the "Kepler" was discovered several exoplanets, which potentially is life: the first of these "findings" was named "Kepler-22b", the radius of exoplanets is almost two and a half times larger than the Earth, and its orbit by 15% closer to the star around which it revolves. Also it darker and colder than our planet, but according to preliminary estimates, the average temperature on the surface of the "Kepler-22b" is comparable to Earth - about 22 degrees Celsius.
2. Tatooine suschestvuet
September 15, 2011, the year "Kepler" discovered a planet orbiting not one, but two stars (just like Tatooine in the "Star Wars"). It is located at a distance of 200 light years from Earth; the form is saturnoobraznaya planet consisting of gas and stone. Weight larger of the two stars is about 69% the mass of our luminary, and the second - about 20% of the mass of the sun.
3. As many as four solntsa
Due to data obtained from the "Kepler", in October 2012. neptunopodobnuyu have found a planet with four suns, and the two of them form a single unit, located at a distance of thousands of astronomical units from the second pair of bodies. This is the first such discovery of astronomers: a planet with four luminaries is from us at a distance of five thousand light-years.
via factroom.ru
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