In the ocean, lost 29,000 rubber ducks
It's hard to say exactly how many ships were wrecked in the ocean and marine waters - international shipping companies keep this information secret, and to obtain reliable information on the subject is almost impossible.
In addition, the courts are too often fall into the ocean of plastic containers of garbage that threatens the existence of oceanic flora and fauna. Some of these loads just sink to the bottom and stay there for years, gradually decompose. The case when the bottom fell container with cigarettes: the fall he opened and swallowed cigarettes marine life that sometimes proved fatal for them.
In 1992, a cargo ship from China following in the US, fell into the ocean to another container, which was 29 thousand rubber toys: ducks, frogs, turtles and otters. Toys eventually cast ashore worldwide.
The researchers found that ocean currents took three years to make a complete circle around the globe. Several ducks were found above the Arctic Circle, Hawaii, Alaska, Newfoundland and even in Scotland. Ironically, the accident in this case proved to be useful for science - the researchers were able to learn the speed of ocean currents and other information about the world's oceans.
via factroom.ru