The new battery is charged up to 70% in two minutes

Whether it's a mobile phone or electric vehicle, their owners have to put up with long battery charging and limited. But now, thanks to a team of engineers from the Nanyang Technological University will soon be a new battery, reducing both constraints.
In addition to the short charge, a new battery will have a 20-year lifetime - is ten times greater than that of existing lithium-ion batteries.

Batteries may be used in a number of devices, but they are most effective may be in electric vehicles. Thanks to new technology drivers can save tens of thousands of dollars to replace the batteries. And last but not least, they will be able to charge your car in minutes (about as filling a tank with gasoline refueling).
Generally, the lithium-ion batteries used in mobile phones, tablets and electric withstand 500 times recharging. This is approximately two to three years of normal use, it usually charging takes about two hours. But the new battery Nanyang University maintains 10 000 recharges. So in addition to the sharp reduction of toxic waste from used batteries, new batteries to help save on the cost of replacing the batteries.
Scientists from the National Technical University explain how it works:
«The new battery graphite, traditionally used for the anode in lithium-ion batteries, replaced by the new gel material made of titanium dioxide. Titanium dioxide - is cheap and safe substance found in the soil. It is widely used as a food additive or sunscreen lotions, absorbing harmful ultraviolet curing.
NTU team has found a way to turn the titanium dioxide nanotubes tiny thickness of a thousand times thinner than a human hair. This speeds up chemical reactions in the new battery that provides fast charge ».
blockquote> The researchers say that the battery will be on the market within two years. It is quite optimistic, and it is possible to understand why they are in a hurry to release the product on the market: according to forecasts, the global market of rechargeable lithium-ion batteries in 2016, the year will cost US $ 23, 4 billion.