Read slowly
For information on how to make friends with knigamiSegodnya - advice for those who love to read, but he was always busy. If you just can not bring myself to start reading a book, or, more often, starting out, but throw without reaching the end, try the old and very effective technique: ask yourself a number of pages that will be read in a day, and let this number will small. For example, 10 pages, but every day.
Scientific obyasnenieEta hitch, annoying people smart, but engaged, provoked paralysis of analysis. Between you and interesting book is the brain's fear - fear of the volume of the work. You may not even realize it, but the brain does not favor long-term projects: they spent a lot of energy. You'll be forever telling yourself "tomorrow" ... or decide to read a little bit. 10 pages do not scare your brain: it's a bit, it's very long, and you will not have time to read tire.
The book usually holds 200-300 pages, so one book you read through, on average, per month. 12 books a year - not too much, but it's 12 books more than anything, right? Besides, you only need to convince yourself to take the book in hand and start reading: then you are addicted and will read, of course, more: as much as you want. But if not - no, read at least a dozen pages and praise yourself for consistency and desire for knowledge.
References: Chris Frith, "Brain and Soul" 2010
via factroom.ru
Scientific obyasnenieEta hitch, annoying people smart, but engaged, provoked paralysis of analysis. Between you and interesting book is the brain's fear - fear of the volume of the work. You may not even realize it, but the brain does not favor long-term projects: they spent a lot of energy. You'll be forever telling yourself "tomorrow" ... or decide to read a little bit. 10 pages do not scare your brain: it's a bit, it's very long, and you will not have time to read tire.
The book usually holds 200-300 pages, so one book you read through, on average, per month. 12 books a year - not too much, but it's 12 books more than anything, right? Besides, you only need to convince yourself to take the book in hand and start reading: then you are addicted and will read, of course, more: as much as you want. But if not - no, read at least a dozen pages and praise yourself for consistency and desire for knowledge.
References: Chris Frith, "Brain and Soul" 2010
via factroom.ru