3 most stupid arguments that opponents of the theory of evolution to justify their ignorance
Let's start with osnov
It is time to tell things as they are, without cuts: we're on Faktrume sincerely convinced that descended from monkeys. Just kidding, just kidding. From the general ancestor with apes, whose traces are lost in the darkness of the times, however, are seen as much as 7 million years. Yes, we can track the evolution of our species to Ardipithecus, more like bipedal orangutans than men, but opponents of the theory of evolution is always a couple of "tangible" arguments, for example ...
1. Evolution is not proven, because it is "only" theory "of the term" theory "in science is not the same as that in our everyday speech. The assumption in the scientific language is called the "hypothesis", and it is a scientific theory - "theory, a system of ideas or principles. It is a collection of generalized provisions forming a science or her profile. Theory serves as a form of synthetic knowledge, within which individual concepts, hypotheses and laws lose their former autonomy and become integral elements of the system. »
Simply put, the theory in the scientific sense - a system of knowledge. Not a hypothesis, not an assumption, not an idea. And the theory of evolution - the totality of information on the evolution of accumulated by mankind.
2. Evolution has not been proved, because not found "transitional species" between man and obezyanoyVopros transitional forms closed a long time ago. Currently, a number of known species, replacing each other during evolution, until we have evolved to Homo sapiens.
For example, the remains discovered Sahelanthropus, Ardipithecus, Australopithecus (African, Afar and others), Homo habilis, a man running, Homo erectus, the predecessor of man, Heidelberg man, Neanderthal and early Homo sapiens. All these species are studied as completely as possible by means of modern science. Disputes are only about how smoothly the process of change of species, but not about how he goes at all.
Since Darwin formulated his theory, arguments and abuse around this subject do not cease for a moment. People hate to think that they, their structure, their minds, their way of thinking and perception of reality - are the result of a kind of chaotic processes, absolutely not controlled by anything other than the laws of nature.
Nevertheless, the way it is.
And the evolution goes inside you right now. Millions of cells in your body are born and die in the course of your life, changing from generation to generation. Some of them are born stronger and more aggressive than others. And the evolution of carefully establishes these characteristics as long as the aggressive cells do not accumulate a sufficient number of mutations and under the influence of one of the precipitating factors do not break out of the control of the natural mechanism. Evolved cells start to divide uncontrollably, capturing new territory. The result? Cancer.
3. Why, in our time, the monkeys do not become people? Oh, stop, and who said that once turned? People have never been monkeys. People - this is a separate branch of primates belonging to the family of hominids. We have evolved, developing from our distant common ancestors along with other sister species: orangutans and chimpanzees.
The earliest known hominid species, we walked the Earth about seven million years ago - Ardipithecus. It went instead of climbing trees: Ardipithecus as changing their australopithecines were already walked upright, but with the mind they did not matter: much like that of modern orang-utans.
Orangutans and chimpanzees, by the way, have the intelligence, equal to the level of human intelligence ditёnyshey aged 3-7 years. Then their evolution is not yet gone, but who knows what will happen to them after 7 million years?
via factroom.ru

It is time to tell things as they are, without cuts: we're on Faktrume sincerely convinced that descended from monkeys. Just kidding, just kidding. From the general ancestor with apes, whose traces are lost in the darkness of the times, however, are seen as much as 7 million years. Yes, we can track the evolution of our species to Ardipithecus, more like bipedal orangutans than men, but opponents of the theory of evolution is always a couple of "tangible" arguments, for example ...
1. Evolution is not proven, because it is "only" theory "of the term" theory "in science is not the same as that in our everyday speech. The assumption in the scientific language is called the "hypothesis", and it is a scientific theory - "theory, a system of ideas or principles. It is a collection of generalized provisions forming a science or her profile. Theory serves as a form of synthetic knowledge, within which individual concepts, hypotheses and laws lose their former autonomy and become integral elements of the system. »
Simply put, the theory in the scientific sense - a system of knowledge. Not a hypothesis, not an assumption, not an idea. And the theory of evolution - the totality of information on the evolution of accumulated by mankind.
2. Evolution has not been proved, because not found "transitional species" between man and obezyanoyVopros transitional forms closed a long time ago. Currently, a number of known species, replacing each other during evolution, until we have evolved to Homo sapiens.

For example, the remains discovered Sahelanthropus, Ardipithecus, Australopithecus (African, Afar and others), Homo habilis, a man running, Homo erectus, the predecessor of man, Heidelberg man, Neanderthal and early Homo sapiens. All these species are studied as completely as possible by means of modern science. Disputes are only about how smoothly the process of change of species, but not about how he goes at all.

Since Darwin formulated his theory, arguments and abuse around this subject do not cease for a moment. People hate to think that they, their structure, their minds, their way of thinking and perception of reality - are the result of a kind of chaotic processes, absolutely not controlled by anything other than the laws of nature.
Nevertheless, the way it is.

And the evolution goes inside you right now. Millions of cells in your body are born and die in the course of your life, changing from generation to generation. Some of them are born stronger and more aggressive than others. And the evolution of carefully establishes these characteristics as long as the aggressive cells do not accumulate a sufficient number of mutations and under the influence of one of the precipitating factors do not break out of the control of the natural mechanism. Evolved cells start to divide uncontrollably, capturing new territory. The result? Cancer.
3. Why, in our time, the monkeys do not become people? Oh, stop, and who said that once turned? People have never been monkeys. People - this is a separate branch of primates belonging to the family of hominids. We have evolved, developing from our distant common ancestors along with other sister species: orangutans and chimpanzees.

The earliest known hominid species, we walked the Earth about seven million years ago - Ardipithecus. It went instead of climbing trees: Ardipithecus as changing their australopithecines were already walked upright, but with the mind they did not matter: much like that of modern orang-utans.
Orangutans and chimpanzees, by the way, have the intelligence, equal to the level of human intelligence ditёnyshey aged 3-7 years. Then their evolution is not yet gone, but who knows what will happen to them after 7 million years?

via factroom.ru