6 magic points on the human body, where it is necessary to apply perfume.
Perfume - this is your calling card, and that you learned of it, it is very important to learn how to apply it. It turns out that the wrist - it's not the only point on the human body, where it is necessary to apply perfume. And if you learn how to use them all correctly and wisely, your scent will hover in the air for a long time! So, here we collected 6 magic points on the body, which recommends that you apply the perfume.
1. Hair
The founder of the perfume brand Byredo Ben Gorham says that the hair can be much longer maintain the flavor than the skin. But spraying perfume on them, you have to be extremely careful, because the contained alcohol can damage your hair. You can even sprinkle perfume on a comb and carry them through his hair.
2. The area behind the ears
This point enjoys less popular than the wrist, but in vain, because in this place are very much veins close to the skin, which creates ideal conditions for heating and spraying perfume.
3. The back of the neck
Chandler Burr contends that the scent deposited on this site, is able to drive crazy, because the fragrance will last a long time, not only on your body, but it also will not bother others.
4. The inner surface of the elbow
This point "sounds" more krasiveee than the wrist. Try to apply perfume to this place and the results will amaze you!
5. The rear surface of the tribe
This is the best area to apply perfume. Air flow will rise up and envelop your scent.
6. Navel
Actress Liv Tyler says that her father - Steven Tyler, always does so, because at this point the temperature is always a little higher and flavor because of this reveals a lot better.
Remember the 6th to the fragrance on your body stayed as long as possible. I liked these tips? Then tell your friends about it!
via takprosto cc
1. Hair
The founder of the perfume brand Byredo Ben Gorham says that the hair can be much longer maintain the flavor than the skin. But spraying perfume on them, you have to be extremely careful, because the contained alcohol can damage your hair. You can even sprinkle perfume on a comb and carry them through his hair.
2. The area behind the ears
This point enjoys less popular than the wrist, but in vain, because in this place are very much veins close to the skin, which creates ideal conditions for heating and spraying perfume.
3. The back of the neck
Chandler Burr contends that the scent deposited on this site, is able to drive crazy, because the fragrance will last a long time, not only on your body, but it also will not bother others.
4. The inner surface of the elbow
This point "sounds" more krasiveee than the wrist. Try to apply perfume to this place and the results will amaze you!
5. The rear surface of the tribe
This is the best area to apply perfume. Air flow will rise up and envelop your scent.
6. Navel
Actress Liv Tyler says that her father - Steven Tyler, always does so, because at this point the temperature is always a little higher and flavor because of this reveals a lot better.
Remember the 6th to the fragrance on your body stayed as long as possible. I liked these tips? Then tell your friends about it!
via takprosto cc
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