Scientists have invented a unique interactive cloud. Thunder and lightning ordered?
Every day there are more inventions that make our lives easier and more enjoyable. This development is not so for convenience, both for beauty. In addition, this cloud can play the role of a lamp or luminaire, it also will give its owner the opportunity to enjoy this storm at any time, except that no rain. Thanks to sensors and a computer program, which is the basis of this invention, the cloud can respond to external stimuli, such as sounds, hand movements and so on. Therefore, this option lamp suitable not only for lovers of romance and nature, but also those who can not imagine his life without home parties.
Thunder and lightning in the room - the dream of every lover of rainy weather!
//player.vimeo.com/video/86711365?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=1eabd8Благодаря open source code, anyone can own anything in the cloud to change and improve. This is a great opportunity for developers to test their skills in practice or just experiment. The inventors claim that this lamp will become a stimulus for other inventions of this kind. Share the news with your friends, I'm sure they have not seen this!
Thunder and lightning in the room - the dream of every lover of rainy weather!
//player.vimeo.com/video/86711365?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=1eabd8Благодаря open source code, anyone can own anything in the cloud to change and improve. This is a great opportunity for developers to test their skills in practice or just experiment. The inventors claim that this lamp will become a stimulus for other inventions of this kind. Share the news with your friends, I'm sure they have not seen this!
Look them in the eye - and you'll understand everything yourself! 28 naughty kids before and after adoption.
Just for fun, he decided to do a pregnancy test. This trick had saved his life!