$ 3 billion for the construction of Minas Tirith in full size
On Indiegogo began fundraising for the most expensive project in the history of crowdfunding: build a replica of Minas Tirith from "The Lord of the Rings" a life-size. A group of architects-tolkiyenistov felt that it needs £ 1, 85 billion ($ 3 billion), up 700 million pounds more than the previous largest project (also, incidentally, placed on Indiegogo) - € 1, 6 billion for the payment of the Greek debt .
The sponsors want to begin construction in 2016 and finish by 2023. Calculations are very approximate: £ 15 million on the ground, £ 188 million for salaries and £ 1, 4 billion for building materials.
According to the plan, it will not just be the largest entertainment complex in the world, but it is quite functional city with residential and commercial real estate, located on one of the two possible locations somewhere in southern England. Although the area was not mountainous, but in principle, it is suitable scenery there:
For 13 of the 60 days of the campaign to raise £ 47,000 - 0, 0025% of the required amount. Of course, most of all, this is a joke or samopiar Indiegogo (one another or exclude), but agree - the idea is good.
project , via
Source: geektimes.ru/post/260242/

The sponsors want to begin construction in 2016 and finish by 2023. Calculations are very approximate: £ 15 million on the ground, £ 188 million for salaries and £ 1, 4 billion for building materials.
According to the plan, it will not just be the largest entertainment complex in the world, but it is quite functional city with residential and commercial real estate, located on one of the two possible locations somewhere in southern England. Although the area was not mountainous, but in principle, it is suitable scenery there:

For 13 of the 60 days of the campaign to raise £ 47,000 - 0, 0025% of the required amount. Of course, most of all, this is a joke or samopiar Indiegogo (one another or exclude), but agree - the idea is good.
project , via
Source: geektimes.ru/post/260242/