The eye of the hurricane on Saturn: the video composed of pictures Cassini

Cassini interplanetary space station in 2004 made a number of pictures of the hurricane on Saturn. This atmospheric phenomenon already described in the Geektimes. Note that the speed of the air masses in the ring is about 150 m / s.
Sam Hurricane huge: from the center to the first ring of light clouds - about 950 km. "Eye" of the storm is 50 times larger than the average "eye" terrestrial hurricane. All hurricane several times the size of Earth. Half a minute videos cover a period of about 5 hours.
Himself Saturn can admire here on this video (quality 4k). Video is made up of several thousand photographs of Saturn. Note that for vreya your work space probe "Cassini" sent to Earth about 30 thousand pictures of Saturn, its rings and satellites. These photographs have already been studied by scientists, so the piggy bank of scientific knowledge significantly replenished. Because a lot of pictures, and they do a very small time interval, of which you can create an animation sequence.
The engaged and Stephen van Vuuren, created the first video is still in 2011. After that Stephen decided to improve and complete the movie, and that was done. According to the author, the movie was created exclusively from photos, without the use of 3D models. In this paper the author useful Adobe Photoshop & After Effects.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/251582/
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