Best photos of the cosmos for the week (18-24 May)

To photograph space, stars, planets and galaxies - a task many observatories, public and private, the earth, and those that are in space. The images are very colorful to look at them for hours, and not only for the study of objects depicted in the photographs, but also for the sake of pure aesthetic pleasure.
In the continuation - the most interesting pictures of the week, which include, as in the last collection, constellations, stars, nebulae.

Very Large Telescope, Jellyfish Nebula ( ESO ) i>

Jellyfish Nebula surrounded by other objects ( ESO / Digitized Sky Survey 2 ) i>

The Crown of the Sun, NASA, SDO i> < br />

NGC 6240 ( NASA, ESA, the Hubble Heritage ) i>

«willful" star NaSt1 ( NASA , ESA ) i>

Curiosity Award for his work - an outcrop of rocks ( NASA / JPL-Caltech ) i>

The galaxy NGC 1512, which bit her neighbor - the effects of meal i> Angel Lopez-Sanchez (AAO / MQU) and Baerbel Koribalski (CSIRO) i>
Source: geektimes.ru/post/250878/
Floppy Organ: «body» of the floppy disk drive
Scientists have found that plankton produces 50% of all the oxygen on the planet