Opened the renovated store Wikipedia - buying a souvenir, helps the project

Who else, but I did not even know about the existence of specialty store , working to support the popular open encyclopedia Wikipedia. It turned out that it was closed for several months, and after all the necessary updates reopened.
In Wikipedia Store, as they say the creators, add the item as compared to the previous version. Now, if you want to support a wonderful and useful project, but a simple transfer of money to their account seems boring to you - you can buy yourself something to remember, at the same time supporting the encyclopedia.
Among the souvenirs - women's, men's and children's T-shirts, sweatshirts, scarves, notebooks, pencils, pens, stickers, badges, backpacks and bags. All items carry a logo or other references to Wikipedia. The creators promise evolving range of designers using volunteers.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/249530/